Aku dengan bangga boleh bagitahu korang yang aku tak pernah tengok satu episod pun siri TV ni. Aku rasa cam, citer-citer cam ni remeh-temeh, meleret dan terlalu obsesi akan benda keduniaan. Tapi aku jenis tak prejudis ke apa. Cuma ye ah, tajuk siri TV pun macam ni, posing empat chikaro tua depan poster, kalau aku bukan seorang yang pintar gila pun, aku tahu citer ni bukan pasal benda yang boleh memberi stimulasi minda macam topik global warming dan sebagainya.
Cam ni citer dia, sejak aku putus tunang, aku pun nak 'get back in the game' lah, bak kata orang putih. So aku jumpa chikaro ni, lawa la gak. Tua aku setahun. Kita gi la minum kopi, cuaca pun tengah panas, aku pun pakai la smart- smart. (kemeja dan seluar pendek) . Dia pun mak aih, pakai skirt pendek yang tunjuk kaki dia, agak lost la. kasut pun ko tahu la camana, alar alar 'high street' dan sebagainya. So kat date tu, dia minum latte, aku minum americano (tak suka kopi kat susu aku, aku belajar dari orang perancis minum kopi hitam). Then borak borak, aku bagi lawak dua tiga kupang aku, dia gelak gelak, kata perkataan perkataan flirt cam "eh u so funny Kwaidan, I really think you're a nice guy etc etc, OMFG are u kidding me, we live just 10 mins away (aku tahu la mesej tersirat yang dia nak sampaikan).
TETIBA. dia bagitahu something yang buat otak aku terfikir.
"Eh i baru tengok SATC the movie haritu, OMG i nak Carrie Bradshaw punya wardrobe!!!"
"Best ke movie tu?" -aku tanya dengan gelakkan
"Best gila okay, omg, cerita tu sedih gak ada part sedih etc etc etc"
(masa dia pot pet pot pet, aku tetiba fikir pasal kedekatan rumah dia ngan rumah aku, but anyways..)
Aku nak bagitahu ringkasan tentang fenomena SATC dalam mata aku.
1. Citer ni pasal 4 orang gadis yang tua tak sedar diri.
a) Sarah Jessica Parker, alar, yang muka cam kasut tu. dalam siri TV. nama dia Carrie Bradshaw
b) Kim Cattrall atau dikenali sebagai Samantha Jones
c) Kristin Davis, atau nama watak Charlotte York
d) Cynthia Nixon, nama watak minah ni Miranda Hobbes
..dan ada lagi la watak watak lelaki. Ok secara ringkas, citer ni pasal...ye lah SEX dan THE CITY. tapi juga citer pasal ko tahu la, friendship, dating sini sana, nak cari "encik betul", masalah lelaki, masalah hubungan , masalah keluarga, ( macam setiap episod mesti ada masalah kot. Maklumlah, diorang nak buat siri TV ni macam perempuan yang tengok pun boleh kait dengan masalah mereka masing-masing. Pfft, lelaki yang tulis siri tv ni bai, perempuan pun macam "OMG sama situasi i macam carrie ke samantha dll ) dan perempuan suka cara pemakaian diorang, terutamanya si Sarah Jessica Parker yang dilabel sebagai ikon gaya masa kini.
SIGH. aku tulis blog ni pun cam loya tekak. Aku nak bagitau simple je ah...Dan ini dia.
Ramai awek, terutamanya awek muda tengok siri TV ni, dan ingin menjadi macam diorang, i.e shopping macam Carrie la, nak lepak ngan 4 kawan diorang berangan angan, selalu rasa yang hubungan siri TV ni berkaitan dengan hubungan hidup diorang. Carrie pun pernah cakap la yang dia suka "tengok duit dia terpapar dalam almari" maksud dia , dia puas la dengan duit dia kena belanja dengan baju- baju pereka terkenal.
TAPI. tahukah, ini kepada perempuan-perempuan kuat berangan nak jadi cam CARRIE (yang muka cam kasut tu) yang.
a) nak jadi macam Carrie tu, setahu aku dia cam penulis dan juga penulis 'freelance' untuk Vogue, ko kena belajar bersungguh sungguh, jadi intern masa muda ko.
b) Dapat ijazah kelas pertama
c) Aku ada terangkan dah betapa keras ko kena kerja nak jadi cam posisi Carrie tu?
d) Kena kurang kurang 40 tahun. 35 ke atas pun ok jugak
e) Duit sendiri
f) Pandai dalam bidang korang.
Tapi aku tengok chikaro skarang, nak shopping je macam diorang, nak minum Cosmos ( sebuah koktil yang si gila tu suka minum ), nak jadi macam watak satu per empat dari diorang, tapi fikir balik, semua nak jadi Carrie. konon dia paling sukses lah. Aku rasa, tak boleh bla lah.
Tapi kalau korang betul- betul nak jadi cam Carrie, korang perlu
a) belajar bersungguh- sungguh
b) dapatkan ijazah kelas pertama
c) kurangkan clubbing, keluar ngan lelaki- lelaki jahanam, dan fokus dalam bakal kareer korang.
d) jangan cekik dadah seperti ecstacy, erimin dan sebagainya
e) Kerja keras, jadi intern dulu , guna duit sendiri.
f) Jangan dapat inspirasi nak membeli belah cam diorang, lalu cari laki kaya ( tapi betul la, last call si Carrie tu kawin ngan mamat kaya. Ceh. Tapi aku tak salahkan dia, selama ni , banyak duit dia pun, dia nak 'settle down' cara betul la aku rasa )
g) Jangan lawan cakap mak bapak.
h) Jangan tidur ngan lelaki secara bebas dan tulis blog lepas tu. Bai , ko ada masa depan yang cerah yang ko bagi Abu Hackett Bo ko sampai pancut dalam semua asal? Ko lawa, dan berwawasan, dan banyak potensi.
i) Tabah hati dan berpendirian tetap dan Jangan berputus asa.
Konklusinya, aku tak kisah la korang nak tengok siri TV ni ke tak, tapi jangan lah dapat 'salah inspirasi'. Boleh jadi sukses macam Carrie, tapi kalau takde apa apa dalam hidup ko, cuba kerja keras sampai dapat pangkat dia, jangan terus ikut gaya hidup dia tapi takde apa apa pun...paham?
SATC. tak-boleh-bla
Yang penat berceramah,
Mr Big ( haha macam SATC )
kita suka berangan.
mtv cribs.kereta mewah/awek dalam videoklip hip hop.
gua rasa formula satc ni sama macam benda-benda kat atas.
formula mengeksploitasi keinginan.
sudahla.lu orang mesti
berhenti berangan.
teruskan perjuangan.
hear hear!
aku perempuan pun tak penah tengok siri cerita ni. dan juga buku2 oleh sophie kinsella tu. (yang lebih kurang macam tu). tapi kawan2 aku excited nak ajak tengok satc the movie nih. then i thought what the heck kan?
all i can say is,
sigh. klakar jugak cerita ini.
tapi i get ur point man.
chicks cant help being chicks.
tiba2 rasa nak pegi dengar lagu tres delinquntes.
carrie is nothing but a myth. there is no way a freelance writer can afford all those shoes! also, in season four she was a major bitch, to tell u the truth i cant stand carrie she's way too self centered for my liking.
and thats true, a lot of girls are trying to enforce a SATC ideal on their own lives. 3-4 best girlfriends (in KL u see them all the time at cafes like D'LICIOUS!), and a token gay guy friend (doesnt matter if hes a bitch, or can't dress, hes just gotta be gay my friend). her wardrobe mmg best la, no question about that.
Abg Hackett!!! Dia geng Abg Polo haha
Just cuz we have our own obsession on owning a nice handbags, shoes and making ourselves look good, does not mean that all these gave bad influence to the public. At the end of the movie it said that all those things does not matter. It's just an irony, like they have all the material wealth a girl could ever dreamt of but in the end, they are not even married/have a family and they are wat??? 40?
It's just a movie. and yes we do want carrie's wardrobe. any problem with that? What's wrong with looking good? Kang korang jantan2 gak kecoh eee buruk lah, busuk lah, tak hingin aku.
And yes I know she's a writer she cant afford all that. But what about Samantha, and Miranda? One is a lawyer and the other one owns a P.R company. What about them? Dont tell me you can afford Prada & Dior @ such a young age(for those who can, ofcuz it came from your parents).
And to those of you women whom never hear/watch that series (I dont know where you live, maybe some kampung mana I guess) its just such a shame.
To those men who does not understand whats the hype about her wardrobe and wearing such clothes, its just the same as we dont understand what's the hype about cars and machines, although I know it serves better purposes than just a mere handbag.
It's like an expensive guitar and a cheap one. Ofcourse, the better the price, the higher the quality eg. sound, specifications, etc.
Unfortunately ppl who dont really know or can appreciate music/guitar will just say owh a cheap guitar and an expensive guitar sounds the same.
Same goes with the handbag/shoes!
Wahai jantan2, faham x?
ermm...very long comment there, you fiesty lady.
im just really curious about this whole phenomena, due to the writers of this movie/tv series...they're men and they're writing about women, and girls go "omg i so can relate to that. plus the exploitation of consumerism and high label advertising to sugar coat it..."
i'd rather watch planet earth.
jude law.
its just for entertainment :D
when I read all the comments, i cant believe that there are even people who felt smitten by abg KT's post.
keep it up boys!
seems like we had hit a nerve of a fan there. all we're saying is, the movie/series and its context isnt all that, thus i dont see the point of SOME girls being too obsessed about it. like what silly rabbit said, we see all these girls trying to be like the satc bunch.
i remember seeing one group in a coffee shop taking pictures of themselves and one of them saying "SATC for life!", before clickin on that camera. in which after they were all gigglin and yappin in a certain manner that's unpleasant to me.but i dont blame them if they're like that.they cant help it.so yeah.
but man i think if you wanna watch it, go ahead by all means. different people have different likings, thus this post from the gentlemen from benda benda boleh bla here. to them, satc tak boleh bla. but to you, satc memang boleh bla.
and u might be mistaken dear, that some girls who never watched satc may be from some kampung. (i've got nothing against the kampung girls, some of them are alright). but some girls actually DONT prefer to watch it. thats all.
just putting my 2cents worth :)
i dont see any wrong with this blog. every word is nicely put and said.
ive watched a few episodes but i avent watched the movie and its true that satc is like the epitome of trends now in malaysia.
everyone wants to be like everybody else, either directly or indirectly.
the world would be a dull place if everyone agreed on everything-taken from heathrow's advert lol
hollywood and its influences is looking inevitable,oh well...what to do.
SATC is just another show to watch, nothing to be taken too seriously. those who do, let them be, nothing to it.
If you dont want to watch SATC, and think its for dumb girls(this movie/series just a mere entertainment) then dont watch.
Honestly, I prefer this than gossip girl, that's even worst.
Well, penulis yang rasa SATC takleh blah, they are men, they dont know anything bout what we woman, love/like. All men know is about sex, football, intellectual stuff and current issues. They do different things to unwind themselves. Some guy's dont even know what is the deal with girls and shopping, but hey they are girls who are not into all that, all these shopping and girly stuff.
At the end of the day, its just a pure romantic,fun chick flick.
Nothing intellectual here pon(not meant to be one pon).
Girls in Malaysia trying to be the urban SATC? well thats news to me, sorry havent been in malaysia for quite some time so I wouldnt know. But if they were trying to be one, its OK(apa salahnya pon nak jadi mcm one of them, successful and fashion conscious).
But if they go overboard then they're obviously easily influence by these Hollywood thinga-majig.
Anyways I agree with Janita.
hmmm overboard? yeke? i believe we dont have to go overboard to realise we are influenced by these whatever-you-people-wanna-call-it. every each of us is influenced one way or the other. men, women, sama je skng.
aiyoooooo korng ni. read between those lines la. its just his point of view which happens to be most of us agree upon. nothing for any of you people to be defensive about. ni lah malaysia bende kecik pun nak kecoh termasuk aku pun lah. dah kata aku pun malaysian hahahahahahahahahahawhatever.
-a girl.
Saya setuju dengan Mr Big. Dan juga 'that's not my name' walaupun tak berapa faham..
Memang bukan semua perempuan nak sangat Prada ke.. Louis Viutton ke.. Apa-apa jenama mahal lerr.. Tak kira la dapat mampu ke tak (dan kalau muka dia macam kasut ke.. topi ke..) tetapi Mr Big cuma kata sedikit je tentang beg-beg yang kalayak perempuan suka tu. Dia takde pun cakap korang tak boleh ada kehendak nak beli beg Dior ke Channel ke.. Cuma dia rasa SATC terlalu mitos sampai terkeluar dari realiti. Itu je. Jangan ler salah faham.
P/S Maaf yer kalau salah spelling
Just came across this blog today. Blog ni memang boleh bla. Infotainment terhebat. Crazy funny but mind boggling as well.
There are 3 groups of SATC fans out there. Those who actually do lead that kind of life, those who want that life and those who watch it just for entertainment's sake. Group yourself in group 3 and you
wont go wrong.
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